The Royal Signals White Helmets Motorcycle Display Team

360 panoramas come no more challenging than this one. Sure we could shoot some 360s of the world renowned Royal Corps of Signals motorcycle display team 'The White Helmets' performing some of their highly impressive moves like their pyramids, but would it be possible to shoot a 360 as one of their riders leapt through a wall of fire? It involved quite a little bit of research and development work to ensure that the cameras triggered at the same moment but it was really worth it. The viewer gets to see it from the stunt riders view point - without getting their eyebrows singed! This 360 won a Silver Award in the 2014 Epson Pano Awards.

[pano file="/panoramas/blogfirejump/blogfirejump.html" width="650" height="325"]


The Descendants at the Photography Oxford Festival


Tops Tips for commissioning 360s and Virtual Tours